NordHero prepares a transatlantic AWS re:Invent expedition

NordHero is setting an expedition of three cloud architects for a transatlantic journey to explore the mysteries of cloud technologies

NordHero prepares a transatlantic AWS re:Invent expedition

Two years ago, the plan would have sounded impossible to achieve, but NordHero cloud architects would not give up on their dream. Instead, they were determined to succeed and kept preparing for the trip. And today, we are excited to announce that NordHero will send three cloud architects on a transatlantic expedition to Las Vegas, USA, to explore the unknown and learn new skills in cloud technology.

Extensive practice pays off

They say that practice makes perfect and well-begun is half done. With that in mind, NordHero’s brave Cloud Architects have prepared for the journey to AWS re:Invent for a long time. NordHero founders already decided in 2019 at the company’s start that we would explore the unknown and invest in understanding the true nature of cloud technology.

But as it often goes with expeditions, mother nature plays a significant role in the picture, and plans need to be changed quickly. Due to COVIDious weather conditions, NordHero had no choice but to postpone the expedition launch for two years.

“It was a hard decision, but it needed to be done. While waiting for favorable microbiologic weather conditions, we practiced for the journey by repeatedly watching the re:Invent 2020 and 2021 sessions on Youtube, reading all articles on new AWS product releases, and pursuing new AWS certifications. I would say that we are now more ready than ever for the real thing!” says Teemu Niiranen, one of the bold NordHero Cloud Architects setting his clock on the Pacific Time Zone for the journey.

AWS re:Invent 2022 - What to expect?

When expediting the unknown, one must always be prepared to seize the moment and to be ready to ingest new information. The brave Cloud Architects have investigated all available facts and preconditions related to the landscape of the Nevada desert area and the expected climate in the destination, and about the local inhabitants, their language, and the history of Las Vegas civilization.

“Thanks to our remote international investigation capabilities (RIIC), we have the re:Invent 2022 session catalog in our possession. That is the most accurate source of truth for what we will be facing when we reach the target state of Nevada. With the session catalog, we have been able to fill our schedule with all those AWSome high-tech sessions.”, describes Janne Kuha, NordHero’s CTO and one of the Cloud Architects joining the expedition.

But the experienced Cloud Architects know that the session catalog is not everything they need to be prepared for. There will be in-person meetings with customers, and there will be user group leader gatherings. There will probably be exclusive and dangerous events like a chicken wing eating competition and an AWS GameDay competition with Unicorns!

Seeking new Cloud Architects for future expeditions

As transatlantic expeditions require much from the crew, NordHero is always looking for new Cloud Architects to join the team.

“Travelling the globe is exhausting work, and we also need to give our Cloud Architects time to not only explore new worlds but also to take the learnings in use with our customer assignments. Therefore we are always seeking for new Cloud Architects to join the crew and take their part to participate in the expeditions,” concludes Pekka Malmirae, CEO and the third AWS re:Invent expeditor with NordHero’s Cloud Architect group.

If you would like to become a member of NordHero’s Transatlantic Cloud Architecture and Expedition Group, check our open positions and apply!


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