2021 highlights and a sneak peek to 2022

2021 was the year of exciting projects and new, talented teammates for NordHero. Check out how NordHero’s journey continues.

2021 highlights and a sneak peek to 2022

2021 was the year of exciting projects and new, talented teammates for NordHero. As the year 2021 is coming to its end, it’s time to look back on the last twelve months and reveal what heromakers are looking forward to in 2022.

New teammates and focus areas

When we founded NordHero, DevOps and Serverless solutions were at our company’s core. This year these two have been complemented by Data Engineering. As we turned the corner from 2020, our staff consisted of two heromakers. Now we are a crew of five with a great combination of highly experienced professionals. We enjoy working together and appear to have done something right as we have also seen strong growth in our financial figures in 2021.

Even though COVID has still restrained face-to-face meetings, we have managed to bring the whole team together from time to time. A good example is the AWS re:Invent keynote night, where we watched the live stream and enjoyed some pizza, American craft beer and donuts.

Follow NordHero@Instagram to get the latest from inside!

Amazing customers from listed companies to startups

However, this year wouldn’t have been successful without our amazing customers. We feel privileged to work on such exciting projects with large, listed companies and fast-growing startups. And the scale of business branches is wide: everything from the healthcare and wellbeing sector to the energy, manufacturing, and software industry. Together, we have achieved great things and can not wait for next year.

Check out our public reference customers:

AWS partnership deepens

We have set out to invest in AWS right from the start, and during the last twelve months, the partnership has deepened significantly. We have been honored to work on ambitious and challenging projects with AWS technology. In September, we achieved AWS Select Consulting Partner status, showing our hunger for constant learning and commitment.

The year of growth 2022

We are eagerly waiting for what the upcoming year will bring. In 2022 we are seeking strong growth through new teammates and customers. As for AWS, we aim to develop the partnership even further.

In January (if COVID allows), we will be hosting AWS User Group Finland meetup in Jyväskylä - it’s going to be spectacular! Book your seat here: https://www.meetup.com/awsfin/events/282784385/

At the moment, we are also planning the spring season kickoff for our heromakers. Getting together will, without a doubt, again be one of the highlights of the year.


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