Serverless, DevOps and Data Engineering - November 2021

In this edition we highlight new features in AWS Data Engineering tools and in Serverless DevOps excellence. And we introduce you to our customer Buddy Healthcare.

Serverless, DevOps and Data Engineering - November 2021

Case Buddy Healthcare - Building infrastructure and DevOps processes for 5-star patient experience

NordHero helped Buddy Healthcare migrate and transform their current solution to AWS in a highly secure manner and in the given time frame, utilizing a scalable serverless container platform.

Read more:

AWS re:Invent Nov 29th - Dec 3rd 2021 - Register now!

Get your free pass to virtually attend live keynotes and leadership sessions and access on-demand breakout sessions. Or reserve your seat in Las Vegas for the real thing. It’s your choice but make it now.

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Amazon QuickSight launches four new administration features, including IP-based access restrictions and Bring-you-own-role for account setup

A few quite essential management enablers for Amazon Quicksight. These two will immediately light a fire in our customer assignments:

  1. IP-based access restrictions - for example, to embed Quicksight dashboards to Info TV screens, restricting the access to the dashboards only for the Info TV system IPs.

  2. Restricting Quicksight user account creation to only allow federated SSO users - streamlines and assures that the same person does not by accident get two or more Quicksight user accounts based on SSO access and IAM access.

Read the announcement:


Amazon Pinpoint launches in-app messaging as a new communications channel

New and highly asked feature. You can use Amazon Pinpoint for email and SMS messaging, mobile push notifications, and now also for sending full-blown in-app messages. And the feature enables managing templates, making A/B testing,…

Read the story:


Accelerating serverless development with AWS SAM Accelerate

Making software is one of those feedback loops of making changes and getting feedback on the changes. The loops might require writing the code, compiling the application, running the automated tests, testing the feature through UI, and bringing the testing results back in the backlog. The faster you get the feedback, the less waiting or obsolete work, and the less it eventually costs.

AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model) has announced a new feature called Accelerate. It accelerates the application deployment by bypassing the CloudFormation changeset process. The new feature enables a faster change process from developer workbench to cloud service and enables a quicker feedback loop.

An impressive blog about the feature here:


Amazon QuickSight launches SPICE Incremental Refresh

SPICE, the super-fast memory-based calculation engine used by Amazon Quicksight, has a new feature: Incremental refresh. What does this mean in practice?

SPICE is an engine where you can upload all data needed for visualization with Quicksight. With SPICE, you can make extremely fast joins, queries, filtering, and calculations based on your data. Previously all updates to SPICE have been Full refresh updates, meaning that when some changes in the source data, all data was to be uploaded again to SPICE. When you have loads of this data, you can imagine that the Full refresh will take its time.

The new Incremental refresh feature is available for all SQL data sources, uploading only the changed data set to SPICE. It is a considerable improvement, mainly because SQL data sources also include AWS Athena-based data sources. Practically this means that all data processed with AWS Glue, residing in S3, for example, in Parquet or ORC formats, are supported through AWS Athena.

Read more:


AWS Glue Crawlers support Amazon S3 event notifications

Event-based processing is a minor but awaited feature for AWS Glue Crawlers. With the new feature, crawlers can now start based on S3/SQS events, enabling incremental updates of the Glue data catalog. The new feature leads to faster updates of processed data with lower costs on AWS Glue processing. Faster and cheaper is always a winning combination.

Read the announcement here:


Operating serverless at scale: Implementing governance – Part 1

Standalone Lambda functions are excellent, but what if you had a thousand of those? In various AWS Accounts? With millions of events? Decentralized architecture has its drawbacks!

AWS has a brilliant series of articles titled “Operating serverless at scale: Implementing governance.” The topic of the first section is visibility, utilizing tags, resource groups, and AWS X-Ray as the tools.

Check it out:


That’s it for now; stay tuned for more news next month!



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