Here is a 150 word summary of the blog post:

The AWS reInvent 2023 conference starts this week. NordHero has sent three cloud architects to find out about new AWS services and features. NordHero has a wish list for announcements at reInvent 2023 including more generative AI services and integrations with other AWS offerings. They want to see a series of integrations of Amazon Bedrock powered generative AI services with other AWS services, which AWS has already started announcing. NordHero would also like to see improvements in “Continuum for Zero ETL Integration”, meaning easier ways to interconnect AWS services without needing ETL. They want AWS to speed up deployments with CDK by improving CloudFormation and allowing alternative deployment tools. For developers, they wish for a new async Python SDK called Boto4, Rust language support in AWS, and a new Deep/generative AI toy like DeepComposer from reInvent 2019. The NordHero architects attending look forward to an exciting conference week and connecting with peers.

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