Multi-Account Management Jump Start

Take a leap with one of the most crucial best practices in managing your AWS cloud platform, multi-account management.

Manage your cloud platform like a hero with AWS best practices

NordHero makes creating and managing multi-account AWS environments with AWS Control Tower easy. We help you deliver AWS cloud services according to best practices from AWS Well-Architected Framework, with easy-to-use Landing Zones and single sign-on capabilities. We also allow you to set up development and deployment practices in multi-account environments and place needed security guardrails to protect your cloud resources.

Key benefits with AWS Multi-Account Management

Narrow down blast radius and automate account creation

Separate your workloads with AWS accounts and spin up new AWS accounts in minutes with nearly 100% automation.

Isolate environments and set up deployment pipelines

Test in a production-like environment and confidently release changes into production.

Configure guardrails on your AWS Organization

Enforce best practices on security and auditability by controlling your AWS Accounts and AWS Organization Units with policies and guardrails.

You can build multi-account management practices yourself. Or you can call NordHero.

Why call NordHero?

Working with us will save you time by bringing the cloud expertise and AWS governance experience to the table.

Our long history and experience in the AWS cloud make us the ideal team to setup management practices and configure needed tools. We are accredited AWS Well-Architected Partner, and our customer satisfaction is outstanding.

What do we offer?

Team with senior-level expertise, on average over 17 years of experience per team member in software development and architectures.

Highly certified team, on average more than 3 AWS certificates per team member. We have more Professional and specialty certificates than team members.

NordHero is an AWS Well-Architected Partner. Work with us to ensure your workloads are build according the AWS best practices.

Call us to start a conversation:


+358 40 538 4249

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